Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still Kickin'

Hey Family & Friends,
Sorry it has been a month since a post and more importantly updated photos of sweet Thomas. Team Hatfield has been mighty busy. We are on the move..YEAHHHH!!!!!! We close on a house tomorrow and the movers are due next Friday. We have a lot of work to do in the next week. Packing, painting, repairs, bathroom remodel, make decisions for tile, granite, and then bargin shop for it all. I am so excited I can't stand it! Excited to finally have my stuff unpacked and decorate a home. Most of my things have been packed for the past 3 years since Tommy and I got engaged. I am ready to create a home for Team Hatfield!! A home with traditions, laughter, family & friends. A home to serve the Lord!!! God has blessed our family w/ health, home, and happiness...this makes us wealthy! We can ask for no more. I will post photos soon! Over the next year I am sure my blog will contain lots of before and after photos of projects as Tommy and I attempt to paint every room, remodel bathrooms, kitchen, and more. Stay tuned because this could be comical... we are NOT HANDY, BUT WE ARE THRIFTY!!!

Thomas is great! He is still sleeping through the night. Growing way too fast. Teething, lots of drool, and chewing on anything he can pull into his gummy mouth. He is a beauty and I love everyday ... let me be clear.... I love every moment w/him.

I love Spring. Easter is my most favorite Holiday/Celebration. The resurrection of my Lord and Savior. The Cross! Forgiveness of my sins. For God loved me this much! Grace, Compassion, Sacrifice. He has risen, He lives!! I celebrate!!!

It is late and this momma is TIRED! I promise to update w/ photos soon!
P.S. Please continue to pray for my sister and her newborn son, Ian. They are healthy, but I know have a tough road ahead of them as K adjust to parenthood and all the responsibilities.


Janet said...

Welcome back! What an exciting time you have ahead of you! I look forward to watching your home transpire!

Misty said...

Hey girl! I'm just now getting your message. So I imagine you are deep in a move! Ha! I wish I could come help you unpack. I'm sure you could use the extra hands. I hope all is going smoothly and well. I know it can be challenging with a little one. I've been there a few times. Take it slow, it will get done. You've been on my mind. I'll pray for some extra rest, as I'm sure you could use it. Love ya